Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Ten Reasons to love Christmas!!

  1. Our Savior and lord Jesus was born.  Happy Birthday Jesus!!
  2. Watching children open gifts.
  3. Parker got to have his first Christmas. See the snort above, that is his new trick.
  4. Reid got way too many gifts, but loves them all.  Ex: Easel above. Gran (Pam) went way over board.
  5. White Christmas , built snow house with Daddy.
  6. Seeing family.
  7. Eating way to much delicious food.
  8. Driving around looking at lights. Stopping to see our favorites again and again.
  9. Playing with all our cousins.
  10. Again, the number one reason, Jesus!!

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Let the Christmas Fun Begin

We bought a Gingerbread House Kit and Reid has wanted to decorate it ever since.  So tonight I had decided would be a good night.  Well I made that plan before he decided NOT to take a nap today, which meant he was cranky.  But we set out to follow the plan as promised.  He had fun because all he did most of the time was eat the candy.  He did put alot of the candy on but I had to assist alot.  He wanted to take a bite out of the house, but we decorated cookies for eating instead.  Daddy was there also watching Parker.  Notice him in the background behind Reid and I .  Then while Daddy was snapping a photo he climbed upon this little plastic tote.  He is a dare devil to say the least.  The plan tomorrow is to take photos for xmas cards.  Let's see if that one goes smoothly :)  The gingerbread house will be a tradition in our house from now on I hope.  It was only 10 bucks at Sam's and well worth it to see Reid have fun.  The mess only took a short time to clean up :)

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Turkey Day!!

We have so much to be thankful for this year, but these  two boys top the list for sure.  They bring so much joy and happiness to our lives.  We spent Thanksgiving day in Geary where Mark played in the annual Turkey Bowl.  I did not manage to capture any photos of that because I was chasing the kiddos by myself.  We still have to spend some time with Aunt Shanna and Aunt JaJa and Uncle Rafy today so the boys will get spoiled I am sure.  Above they enjoyed some time outside at Nana's and Grandpa's playing with cousin Carson.  We also made Reid a turkery hat which he displayed and let his brother wear it for a minute.  Sharing does not always come so easy these days though I must say.  Parker is a happy go lucky baby who loves his mommy, loves to be held and wants to sleep in our bed at night. Reid has been a typical two year old the last few weeks.  He has started repeating most of my phrases , which makes me think twice about what I am saying.  Last night it was mommy you can eat your mac and cheese or go sit in the time out chair.......pause............which one?   Oh it is so hard not to laugh sometimes, and I must add he even points his finger when he talks to me. Hmmmmmmmm, wonder why :)
Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving day.  Blessings.
 Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good; His love endures forever. ~I Chronicles 16:34

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Batman and Robin

We were or suppose to be Batman and Robin for Halloween. Reid talked about it for a month, but when it came down to the time to put it on he threw a fit.  We did however somehow bribe him to put it on for five minutes and then all of the sudden he goes I am done.  I can say however if it would have had a binky attached to it he may have worn it all night, but that is for another blog :) Parker loved his and did not mind at all.  All in all it was fun. 
I want to blog this so I guess this is the best title to put it in.  Monday was Parker's 9 month check up.  We had been waiting in a room of people for close to an hour .  I had taken them both into the bathroom once to change Parker.  Shortly after I noticed something brown on the back of Reid's shirt, well yep poop.  To make it a short story it was all up his back on a light colored shirt.  There was no way to get it off enough so he had to go without a shirt the rest of the doctor's visit. I had nothing else for him because he never does this.  And he always tells me when he has pooped .  It was awful and I felt like a horrible mom walking around with a shirt less kid.  I hate long waits in doctor's offices anyway but this had to top them all.  But the good news is Parker is growing normal and is a healthy 9 month old.  He still has a 90 percentile head , poor thing, but Doc said he probably always will. 

The boys enjoying time together :)

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Pumpkins, leaves and tantrums

I don't really know what else to title this.  We have been to the pumking patch, which was fun.  We even attempted to take some pics in the leaves outside, not so fun.  Parker does well most of the time, but Reid ,well , let's just say that is where the third word in the blog came from.  He is having one of those weeks. He is a very active 2 year old is all I can say.  Daddy did carve a pumpkin with him. Reid liked it but I think Mark enjoyed it more.  Both boys have ear infections which means lots of getting us up in the middle of the night, which is why this will be a short post. I am tired to say the least.  But tonight while watching Tinker Bell for the fifth time in two days, Reid says " Mommy I love you."  So I will end on that because that made me so happy :) Oh and I threw in one of Reid helping me make brownies. He really likes to do this and licks the spoon many times.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Ta Da!!

Parker hasn't started crawling yet, but he can pull himself up to Reid's train table.  He is a little fireball.  He wants to be right in the middle of the action and playing wherever Reid might be.  So when I was getting my makeup on the other day I looked in and he was pulling up to the table to play.  Also in the pics you will see Reid being a little rough with him, we call it brotherly love. Today at breakfast Reid gave him a cheerio and said something I did not understand . After saying what are you saying twice he finally yelled it and I figured out he was saying" I a good brother, because I shared."  Well at least this time he did.  Reid is also the one who wants his binky still.  Parker could care less if he has one.  Oh the joys of spoiling your first child.  But Parker is getting spoiled as well I believe, he loves to be held or paid attention to all the time. 
Since the weather has been yucky we have been inside and are ready for some sun.  Hopefully she will shine on us this weekend while Daddy is away at the OU/Texas game.  This will be my first attempt to be home alone since having children.  Well that is all for now , I finally have a new camera on the way so I hope my pics are better soon.  Laundry calls me.  Oh and a quick prayer of thanks that our family has not been sick yet and our prayers continue to be with Baby Ella.  God is good and has done great things with her so far :)

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Love Fall

I haven't posted lately because I have been busy and I have been having to use my old camera, yuck.  Hopefully we will get a new one soon.  So we love fall at our house, besides the fact that we have a zillion trees. This means daddy spends alot of time cleaning up leaves.    We have gotten to play outside, roast marshmellows by our fire pit thingy and watch Parker learn to move alot .  Parker loves attention which is why he is crying as I type because I am not playing with him on the floor.  He and Reid both love balls of all sizes.  We have managed to loose tons of the small bouncy ones and I have no idea where they go.  I am sure we will find a stack of them sometime when we move. 

Friday, September 18, 2009

Fair Time

My camera is not working right now , so no pictures with this post.  I have not had a chance to blog lately.  But....... it is fair week.  I said we were only going to go a few nights.  Well like most other times in my life since children,  I ate my words.  Reid loved it.  He loves seeing people, looking at the animals, playing the games, and even riding a few rides.  He has asked me 1,000 times a day," Mommy we going to fair now."  I tell him it is closed and he goes into fit mode.  After waking up yesterday from naptime, he said I took a nap, now we can go to the fair.  I said not tonight Reid, oh the tears started flowing.  So when daddy got home he started in on him.  So after dinner , guess what , we went to the fair.  He cries when we leave.  I am still not sure what we will do when Sat comes and he really can't go to the fair anymore.  I guess we will cross that rode when it gets here.  I am going to miss the way he is learning to remember things and say cute words.  He got upset the other night while watching a movie saying faster daddy, we finally realized he meant louder.   He loves for Parker to sit and play ball with him and Parker(Deuce) ,as daddy calls him, loves it too.  Hope the brotherly love lasts. :)

Monday, September 7, 2009

Camp Fire Fun

Awwww three day weekends, gotta love em.  It just seems though that you go and go and don't get much rest.  We had a good one though.  Got to hang out with the fam.  Reid said I want to see Aunt JaJa, Shanna and Rafael( which is hilarious because he says Rafael with a deep voice)  alllllllllll weekend. He loves them so much, he cries when they leave.  Hmm wonder if it is because they spoil him every second they are around.  He got to roast hot dogs , make smores and eat watermelon on one of the nights.  Parker just got to watch, maybe next year Parks.  Happy Labor Day All!!  We are thankful for our family. God is good.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Oh what a beautiful morning.....................

The weather has been so awesome. We played outside today. Both boys love to be outside. Parker prefers to be held, but since my left shoulder is killing me from doing this too much, I put him in his stroller and even let him sit on the grass for the first time. Reid sidewalk chalked , rode his four wheeler and hit some baseballs. It is 2 and I am already worn to a frazzle. Hopefully their naps last a few hours. Right, wishful thinking , Parker will only stay asleep for max, 3o minutes. Oh well maybe after this post I can fold the two loads of laundry, empty the dishwasher and take a shower, all in that time frame. :) OR not.............

Thank you lord for this beautiful weather and fun times with my boys. I am so blessed to get to stay at home with them, even on days I feel like a chicken with my head cut off.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Beautiful Night to Go to the Pond

Saturday night we headed out to our land to eat a good ole Sonic burger and fly a kite. For those of you who don't know we will have two very large ponds in the near future. Reid loves to run and play , we tried to fly a kite, with not much luck. I am trying to adjust to the fact that I will someday be spending alot of time outdoors because it looks like that is what my boys will be doing. It was such a great night with great weather. Parker liked it some of the time, but as captured above , he had a few not so fun moments :)

Friday, August 28, 2009

Life with a 2 yr old

Reid is absolutely the best thing in the world , but......................... he wears me out. I hope it is just the age bc at this rate I do not have the energy for him 24/7. He has started doing some of the most hilarious things and soaking up all that we say and do. Mommy I will help you is one of my favs. Or I can't do that I am to big. But of course he is not too big to still have his binky ;) Parker thinks he is hilarious and can't stand it when Reid is not in the room. Parker is fun as well. He is our chunky boy weighing in at 19 lbs. He loves his mommy and I am so glad bc Reid is a daddy's boy. Today Reid piled all of his shoes on Parker's lap.
Last night Reid had a little fever and had pooped twice so I told Mark not to give him Apple Juice because it would make him poop more, so later Reid goes Daddy I don't want Apple Juice it makes Reid poop. He also has learned to hold his tongue and talk and does this when he is in trouble. Love that boy , wouldn't change a thing .