Saturday, November 28, 2009

Turkey Day!!

We have so much to be thankful for this year, but these  two boys top the list for sure.  They bring so much joy and happiness to our lives.  We spent Thanksgiving day in Geary where Mark played in the annual Turkey Bowl.  I did not manage to capture any photos of that because I was chasing the kiddos by myself.  We still have to spend some time with Aunt Shanna and Aunt JaJa and Uncle Rafy today so the boys will get spoiled I am sure.  Above they enjoyed some time outside at Nana's and Grandpa's playing with cousin Carson.  We also made Reid a turkery hat which he displayed and let his brother wear it for a minute.  Sharing does not always come so easy these days though I must say.  Parker is a happy go lucky baby who loves his mommy, loves to be held and wants to sleep in our bed at night. Reid has been a typical two year old the last few weeks.  He has started repeating most of my phrases , which makes me think twice about what I am saying.  Last night it was mommy you can eat your mac and cheese or go sit in the time out chair.......pause............which one?   Oh it is so hard not to laugh sometimes, and I must add he even points his finger when he talks to me. Hmmmmmmmm, wonder why :)
Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving day.  Blessings.
 Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good; His love endures forever. ~I Chronicles 16:34

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Batman and Robin

We were or suppose to be Batman and Robin for Halloween. Reid talked about it for a month, but when it came down to the time to put it on he threw a fit.  We did however somehow bribe him to put it on for five minutes and then all of the sudden he goes I am done.  I can say however if it would have had a binky attached to it he may have worn it all night, but that is for another blog :) Parker loved his and did not mind at all.  All in all it was fun. 
I want to blog this so I guess this is the best title to put it in.  Monday was Parker's 9 month check up.  We had been waiting in a room of people for close to an hour .  I had taken them both into the bathroom once to change Parker.  Shortly after I noticed something brown on the back of Reid's shirt, well yep poop.  To make it a short story it was all up his back on a light colored shirt.  There was no way to get it off enough so he had to go without a shirt the rest of the doctor's visit. I had nothing else for him because he never does this.  And he always tells me when he has pooped .  It was awful and I felt like a horrible mom walking around with a shirt less kid.  I hate long waits in doctor's offices anyway but this had to top them all.  But the good news is Parker is growing normal and is a healthy 9 month old.  He still has a 90 percentile head , poor thing, but Doc said he probably always will. 

The boys enjoying time together :)