Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Batman and Robin

We were or suppose to be Batman and Robin for Halloween. Reid talked about it for a month, but when it came down to the time to put it on he threw a fit.  We did however somehow bribe him to put it on for five minutes and then all of the sudden he goes I am done.  I can say however if it would have had a binky attached to it he may have worn it all night, but that is for another blog :) Parker loved his and did not mind at all.  All in all it was fun. 
I want to blog this so I guess this is the best title to put it in.  Monday was Parker's 9 month check up.  We had been waiting in a room of people for close to an hour .  I had taken them both into the bathroom once to change Parker.  Shortly after I noticed something brown on the back of Reid's shirt, well yep poop.  To make it a short story it was all up his back on a light colored shirt.  There was no way to get it off enough so he had to go without a shirt the rest of the doctor's visit. I had nothing else for him because he never does this.  And he always tells me when he has pooped .  It was awful and I felt like a horrible mom walking around with a shirt less kid.  I hate long waits in doctor's offices anyway but this had to top them all.  But the good news is Parker is growing normal and is a healthy 9 month old.  He still has a 90 percentile head , poor thing, but Doc said he probably always will. 

The boys enjoying time together :)

1 comment:

  1. Oh giri, that sounds like a nightmare experience at the doctors office. You poor little thing!
