Sunday, August 30, 2009

Beautiful Night to Go to the Pond

Saturday night we headed out to our land to eat a good ole Sonic burger and fly a kite. For those of you who don't know we will have two very large ponds in the near future. Reid loves to run and play , we tried to fly a kite, with not much luck. I am trying to adjust to the fact that I will someday be spending alot of time outdoors because it looks like that is what my boys will be doing. It was such a great night with great weather. Parker liked it some of the time, but as captured above , he had a few not so fun moments :)

Friday, August 28, 2009

Life with a 2 yr old

Reid is absolutely the best thing in the world , but......................... he wears me out. I hope it is just the age bc at this rate I do not have the energy for him 24/7. He has started doing some of the most hilarious things and soaking up all that we say and do. Mommy I will help you is one of my favs. Or I can't do that I am to big. But of course he is not too big to still have his binky ;) Parker thinks he is hilarious and can't stand it when Reid is not in the room. Parker is fun as well. He is our chunky boy weighing in at 19 lbs. He loves his mommy and I am so glad bc Reid is a daddy's boy. Today Reid piled all of his shoes on Parker's lap.
Last night Reid had a little fever and had pooped twice so I told Mark not to give him Apple Juice because it would make him poop more, so later Reid goes Daddy I don't want Apple Juice it makes Reid poop. He also has learned to hold his tongue and talk and does this when he is in trouble. Love that boy , wouldn't change a thing .